Nordic Letterpress Network


Nordic Letterpress Network

Connecting letterpress practitioners across Nordic countries.

The aims for the NLN project are to:

  • Identify and create a freely accessible online resource of letterpress practitioners, studios and print workshops throughout the Nordic countries.
  • Facilitate connections, knowledge exchange and events between artists, printers, designers and members of the public who are based in the Nordic countries.
  • Build an understanding of the letterpress process, sharing best practice and materials knowledge.
  • Work towards a more sustainable, innovative and culturally successful discipline.

The project is in its primary stage with an aim to publish a listing of existing Nordic practitioners and their print workshops in January 2024. The first stage is to solicit information via the on-line questionnaire. If you are interested in taking part or know any letterpress studios who may be interested, please pass on the details of the project or email the project group at

We invite practitioners in letterpress printing who are residents in the Nordic countries. The purpose of our questionnaire is to gain information about people’s printing practice, studio / print shops, equipment and any events they may be interested sharing or participating in as part of the network. This information will be collated and form a network listing that will be published online biannually (twice a year) and will be freely available for anyone to access.


Each member will be part of an online showcase of innovative making and heritage craft within letterpress printing in the Nordic regions. They will have opportunities to connect with other letterpress practitioners across the Nordic countries, take part in network events, share best practice methods, source materials, equipment and support others who are interested in letterpress printing.

Protection of Information

There are no risks to taking part. All information we receive will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be kept confidential on our database until contributors agree for the information to be published. Electronic research material will be kept in a password protected secure setting to which only the network organisers have access and uphold the principles of General Data protection protocols.

Currently the project is self- funded.

• Stage one will be to research and collate a listing shared via email.

• Stage two will be to build and publish the information on a dedicated website.

For further information or to take part email the team at:

Project Background

In May 2022, five letterpress practitioners from across the Nordic Countries and the UK met at GG Studio, in Uttersberg, Sweden for a long weekend seminar. During a group discussion one evening, it became apparent that many letterpress studios across Nordic countries worked very remotely as their networks were from more centralised European locations. Therefore, this highlighted a need for a dedicated letterpress network specifically for Nordic counties. An idea was set in motion which has manifested as the Nordic Letterpress Network.

The Nordic Letterpress Network (NLN) project group currently comprises six printers, designers and artists from Sweden, Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom who utilise letterpress printing in their own work and collaborative projects.

  • Angie Butler – AB PRESS
    Letterpress printing, book binding, artists books.
  • Camilla Gunnar – Bland Typer & Tryck
    Letterpress, wood, linocut, book binding, artists books.
  • Edward Johansson – Ahvaland
    Letterpress, relief & intaglio printing
  • Lina Nordenström – Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet (GG Studio)
    Letterpress, wood, linocut, relief & intaglio printing.
  • Imi Maufe
    Letterpress printing, book binding, artists books
  • Carl Middleton – Studio B
    Letterpress, wood, linocut & relief printing.